Visual Spaces of Change Exhibition Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto – 20 | 21



Visual Spaces of Change Exhibition
FAUP - 20 | 21

A At the moment, the Visual Spaces of Change Exhibition can be visited at Cavalariças FAUP, school pavilion Campo Alegre and the interested public can schedule a guided tour through prior booking and thus be accompanied and benefit from an explanation about the contents of the Contemporary Photography projects on display.

There will be on the 21 and 22 of October, guided tours of maximum two students at a time respecting the 2 meters security and using masks. Open to all, it is nevertheless aimed at students of the curricular units of Projeto de Arquitetura Assistido por Computador e Fotografia 1º Ciclo and Fotografia de Arquitetura, Cidade e Território 2º Ciclo.

The exhibition will allow to explore several communications supports as books, panels, video projection, laptop computers and tablets. The exhibition panels focus on a contemporary photography project that has FAUP as its main subject, which means that it will be possible to compare the photography series on site, as well as to visit the prototype of the new Exhibition structure that was awarded with the first prize in International Competition of Ideas: Exhibition and Mobile Projector, which aims to allow the public to perceive and enjoy public space and architecture in an innovative and pedagogical way.

The contents of the exhibition are online on the VSC platform and the exhibition experience is registered purely for research purposes, being analyzed in the context of the ongoing VSC research project.

This project is developed by the research group Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem (AAI) of the Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo (CEAU) da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), by Lab2PT (Escola de Arquitectura) and by the Centro ALGORITMI (Escola Superior de Engenharia) of the Universidade do Minho


Pedro Leão Neto is the PI of the project, which is structured according to scientific contributions: i) the Information and Communication Technologies component, is coordinated by the project's Co-PI, Luis Gonzaga Magalhães (Centro ALGORITMI) and Pedro Bandeira (Lab2PT); e ii) the Scientific Component (Arts and Photography), is coordinated by Pedro Leão Neto of AAI/CEAU, alongside with the researchers, Miguel Santos (AAI/CEAU), Eduardo Silva (AAI/CEAU), Rita Silva (AAI/CEAU) and Né Santelmo (Directora de Arte).

Visual Spaces of Change 
Visual Spaces of Change proposes a visual communication strategy based on the development of contemporary photography projects that reflect on the different dynamics of urban change to open up new horizons for public intervention in the public space. These projects are conceived as “visual narratives” of these dynamics, intentionally interfering with the metropolitan territory in a self-reflective representation of its own process of change, reducing the distance between the objects of investigation (landscapes, places, public and collective spaces) and the their representations.

Collaborative structure
Visual Spaces of Change brings together a diverse set of institutions and researchers, architects, curators, photographers and authors of visual arts, in an exercise of joint reflexivity around common concerns related to the transformation of the territory, the public space and the environment. The active collaboration of this wide network of institutional actors aims to increase their capacity to intervene in their social reality through concerted actions.

Universidade do Porto | Porto, Portugal
Universidade do Minho | Braga, Portugal
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP) | Porto, Portugal
Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo (CEAU) | Porto, Portugal
Arquitectura, Arte e Imagem (AAI) | Porto, Portugal
Centro ALGORITIMI | Braga, Portugal
Laboratório de Arquitectura, Arte, Imagem & Inovação (AAi2Lab) | Porto, Portugal
Universidade de Saragoça (AAi2Lab) | Saragoça, Espanha
Universidade de Liverpool – Escola de Arquitectura (AAi2Lab) | Liverpool, Reino Unido
Centro para a Arquitectura e as Artes Visuais (CAVA) | Liverpool, Reino Unido
Metro do Porto | Porto, Portugal
Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia (MAAT) | Lisboa, Portugal
i2ADS – Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade (FBAUP) | Porto, Portugal
FAME – Fotografia e Arquitectura Moderna em Espanha | Espanha