Diary: Exile



I need to stop wearing masks, lay down myself as I am. Unlabeled, raw and naked. Accept or move on, nothing to lose here, I have already been lonely, I have already been bruised.


Abdo was born in 1982 in Oran, Algeria to a Sudanese father and an Algerian mother. Abdo studied Telecommunications Engineering at the University at of Sirte, Lybia until 2006. In 2012, he undertook an Internship at Magnum Photos Paris, which gave him the opportunity to reflect on his photographic approach and make his first story for the magazine “Rukh“, His photographs have been published by a number of printed and online magazines as well as by newspapers. In 2015 he received a nomination for Magnum Foundation Emergency Fund and in 2016 his series ‘Diary: Exile’ was selected by the Addis Fotofest, the same series was shortlisted for The CAP Prize 2017. In 2018 he receives the ADPP grant from AFAC and Magnum foundation for his ongoing project ‘Dy’.


Web: www.collective220.net/abdoshanan

Facebook: https://www.facebook.ccom/AbdoShananphoto/?ref=bookmarks

Instagram: @abdo.shanan

Twitter: @abdoshanan