RIBA Research Matters 2019, Nottingham

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RIBA Research Matters | University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University
17 October to 18 October, 2019

The Royal Institute of British Architects is a global professional membership body driving excellence in architecture, and Research Matters offers early career stage researchers from academia and practice an opportunity to present their research in a setting similar to that of a peer-refereed conference but in a more constructive, supportive, and non-confrontational atmosphere. The conference is also a chance for more established researchers from academia and practice to present their current research. This year's event was co-hosted by the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University, taking place in the town of Nottingham between the 17th and the 18th of October.
The programme, which ran over two half-days, included paper discussions and PechaKucha style presentations cutting across the discipline, including topics such as contemporary and historical urban research, global histories, technology and digital spaces, children and architecture, and the development of the profession. Each day began with a keynote and day one culminated in an evening event at the New Art Exchange.

On the first day of Research Matters 2019 (17th of October), Pedro Leão Neto – the coordinator of scopio Network and a teacher in the fields Photography, Architecture, City and Territory at FAUP – presented the paper "Contemporary Views on City Spaces and Architecture in Oporto: Documentary and Artistic Photography Mapping", a presentation that was fitted within the “Urban Design“ category of the Conference. Also presenting a paper at RIBA Research Matters 2019 was Ana Miriam Rebelo – a teacher of Photography that’s also a student in the PhD in Design ministered by FBAUP and a frequent collaborator of scopio – presenting the paper “Clareira” in PechaKucha style format.

RIBA Research Matters 2019