HO: Where was the photograph taken?

NG: At the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance, in London.

HO: When was it taken?

NG: In January, 2014.

HO: What were the conditions on site?

NG: It was warm. The dancers have to have warm conditions to avoid injury. No smells, but good music. I can't remember what it was exactly.

HO: Are there any technical aspects about the shooting that you want to point out?

NG: This is an example of a constructed architectural shot with a performer. I drew the shot beforehand with the architect, therefore I dreamt it before I took it. Then I positioned tripod (low) and using a view camera with both rise and sideways movements created my composition.

From then on I used approximately four lights, all profoto. Magnum reflector as the key light on a megaboom approximately 30 feet high up. XL umbrella as the fill + several D1 heads with 20mm built in reflectors to catch the ceiling and the background wall. Each light was metered individually beforehand.

HO: How did you get this opportunity?

NG: It was a commission by Allies and Morrison.

HO: Had you been there before this photograph was taken?

NG: Yes. I was half way through when I took this. The commission lasted two weeks.

HO: Why did you select this image and what do you find most interesting about it?

NG: Well, it is so nice to mix my skills as an architectural photographer, with lighting and a performer.

HO:  Is there a particular story about this photograph that you would like to share?

NG: One of the dancers had had a hip replacement, so that was nice to help celebrate her recovery.

HO: Was there anything that you discovered through it?

NG: It was completely set up, the only thing I couldn't predict was the moves the dancer would make and the light outside.


Nick Guttridge is a London based photographer working for the arts and architecture community.

The image and interview selected are part of the editorial project "1 Photo(grapher)".