[Non Periodical Publication]


Sobre este Livro:


publicação não-periódica

Autor: Gouveia, Cristiana
Data de publicação: 2014
Local de publicação: Porto

Editor: Auto-edição

Número de páginas: 19 (fotos)

Dimensões: 15x23 cm

Ilustrado: Imagem
Tiragem: -
Instituição: FAUP/CCRE

Idioma: Português
Palavras-Chave: Fotografia, Arquitectura
Notas: Livro artístico; Fotolivro realizado na Unidade Curricular de Comunicação, Fotografia e Multimédia do Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura da FAUP
Cota: A1.nPaP.1118

Sobre este arquivo:

A criação da colecção Cityzines pretende fortalecer e promover a divulgação e estudo de edições de autor e outras publicações ligadas à temática de arquitectura, cidade e território, onde a imagem e a fotografia estão presentes de forma significativa, existindo um especial interesse e enfoque sobre a riqueza multifacetada da cultura urbana, arquitectónica e visual que caracteriza os aglomerados urbanos e as suas vivências.
A colecção iniciou com um levantamento mais focalizado no contexto português, mas também  integra publicações de outros países com vista à internacionalização do projecto.
As publicações que vão constituir esta colecção do projecto Cityzines serão catalogadas a partir do seguinte tema geral:
Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território
Decidiu-se iniciar esta colecção pelo tema Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território, por razões que se prendem apenas com dois factores: primeiro o de existir, neste momento, um maior número de publicações alternativas associados a este tema, segundo, por estas terem sido há mais tempo objecto de estudo específico do trabalho desenvolvido pela linha de investigação Espaços de Cidade e Cultura do grupo CCRE.
Como veremos de seguida, adoptámos uma estrutura de sub-categorias de forma a organizar o campo das publicações, cobrindo diversas áreas e formatos. Ainda que algumas sub-categorias apresentem diferenças entre si, todos eles encaixam no tema geral e têm em comum a importância e foco na imagem/fotografia, assim como um carácter de investigação e/ou a postura inovadora.
Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território

Edições de Autor e outras Publicações periódicas (A1.PaP)

- em termos gerais, publicações periódicas que reflectem e investigam, através da imagem e/ou fotografia, e de forma critica, exploratória e inovadora as temáticas da arquitectura, cidade e território;
- Fanzines, little magazines de fotografia: publicações independentes e não-tradicionais onde a fotografia é particularmente usada como o principal instrumento visual e meio para perceber, compreender e analisar não só a arquitetura mas também o modo como as pessoas vivem e se apropriam de diversos lugares; 

- publicações periódicas de contracultura ou não-tradicionais dedicadas à fotografia social e documental ou contemporânea e outras publicações relacionadas.
Edições de Autor e outras Publicações não periódicas (A1.nPaP)
- em termos gerais, publicações que reflectem e investigam ,através da imagem e / ou fotografia, e de forma critica, exploratória e inovadora as temáticas da arquitectura, cidade e território;
- foto-livros e/ou livros de artista especificamente relacionados com o universo da arquitectura: publicações independentes e não-tradicionais onde a fotografia é particularmente usada como o principal instrumento visual e meio para perceber, compreender e analisar não só a arquitetura mas também o modo como as pessoas vivem e se apropriam de diversos lugares;
- foto-livros ou/e livros de artista mais relacionados com fotografia documental.
Pretendemos, com esta colecção, promover a consciencialização e a reflexão sobre a arte e a fotografia documental, relativamente à sua concepção como instrumento para questionar o universo da Arquitectura, da Cidade e do Território. Isto significa entender a Arquitectura como uma disciplina e uma prática extensivas, com interesse, por um lado, pelo espaço real e suas experiências, explorando novas formas espaciais e códigos arquitectónicos e, por outro, pelo modo como a arquitectura opera no âmbito de sistemas mais vastos: socio-culturais, técnicos e históricos.
A colecção física debruçar-se-á predominantemente sobre objectos impressos portugueses, mas também integra publicações de outros países e constituirá uma mostra/ exposição que irá viajar por vários locais, em Portugal e no estrangeiro. Este catálogo de Edições de Autor e outras Publicações apoiará a divulgação do universo destas publicações, funcionando também como uma referência para localizar publicações com carácter de investigação/estudo e/ou não-tradicionais relevantes e independentes relacionadas com a Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território.





[Non Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

(Re)Interpretar Planos

non-periodical publication

Author: Duarte, Vanessa
Date of publication: 2014
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 3 (photos)
Size: 17,2x19 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of CAAD (Computer Assisted Architecture Drawing), from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1140

"The idea of my cell starts with the intersection of simple geometric plans, having as goal the gathering of people in a space that is both to relax and to study. The place of implantation was other problem that came up, but it proposes itself with the continuity of a pre-existence, the bench of the bar zone. What is interesting in my work is the reinterpretation of a program already existing of the space of reunion and the adding of the ability to shelter people. The cell offers both the capacity of work and social interaction."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Reflexes / Reflexas

non-periodical publication

Author: Monique, M.
Date of publication: 2015
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 12 (photos)
Size: 13x19,5 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP;
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1131

"By definition, photography is, essencialy, a tecnique of images criation through luminous exposition, that reflects through a lens and allows the capture of images that are somewhat the loyal reflection of reality through the subjective look of the photographer.
Through this devide, the photography is also the somewhat loyal reflection of human nature, the fixation of reality, over a real and permanent support, from an furtive instant.
Therefore, we can say that photography allows us too a reflection of our identity and of reality of things."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Purple Journal

periodical publication

Author: Fleiss, Elein
Date of publication: 2008
Place of publication: Paris
Publisher: Elein Fleiss

Number of pages: 136
Size: 23,8x20 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: -
Language: French, English
Key-words: Photography
Notes: Author's photography newspaper;
ISBN: 978-3-03747-034-3 
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1100

“After this issue, number 13, a pause - until 2009.
The story of Purple, since the publication of Purple Prose number 1 in October 1992, was, throughout the years, the object of multiple changes - of title, format, content.
I've always considered that the magazine (or reviews) I publish should follow the course of my existence, that, in no way, should they become an institution, a job, or an end in themselves.
Purple Journal, in its new format, its new cycle of publication, will be published far from France.
Within a few months, you will find information at this address:

Elein Fleiss

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

non-periodical publication

Authors: Levi Bismarck, Pedro; Oliveira, Pedro; Castro, Carlos; Pestana, Joana
Date of publication: 2011
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: Punkto

Number of pages: 27
Size: 21x14,6 cm
Illustrated: Image, text
Number of copies: 1000
Institution: -
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Architecture, Art, chance, freedom, practice and theory
Notes: Un-disciplined magazine about limits: of practice, of theory, of art and architecture
Cota: A1.nPaP.1031

“Punkto is a (ir)regular, (un)predictable and (un)disciplined magazine about limits: of practice, of theory, of political, of architecture.
Punktos are points. Are events. Are the little intersection points of those limits. Crossing-points of pratices, limit-points of information, word-points of invention. Points to see. 

The point is not an unit, is a tension, a force that provides the appearance of a space, a moment that something touches, a disturb of the surface, a feature, a movement, a violent opening in direction of the exterior. Any point will always be a vanishing point. 
At the constrution of the critic (as a way from where I can see) only the point allows that, in its nothing and in its all, something arises and something exists, attacking and approaching the space and (un)discipline (un)quietness."


About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Structured Nature / Natureza Estruturada

non-periodical publication

Author: Benyamine, Jonathan
Date of publication: 2015
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 30
Size: 29,7x21 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Nature
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1173

"Unlike a wood or a forest, the botanical garden of Porto is organized and settled according to a rational drawing (romantic garden from the XIXth century in front of the Villa Andersen...).
Indeed, all the botanical species that are in the garden take place in a built environment made of retaining walls, of trimmed hedges, of deep visual perspectives, pavements, equipments...
All these elements consist in a part of urban in the natural environment of the garden. These series of photographs show the contrast between this free and muddled nature and the strict geometry of its organization."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Abandono + Contrastes urbanos

non-periodical publication

Author: Ribeiro, Liliana
Date of publication: 2014
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 8+8
Size: 13,5x19 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1144

"Urban contrasts intends to be a photographic reflexion of the contrasts existing in the river zone of the city of Porto, more precisely in the zone of Fontaínhas. As a succession of moments that lets appear the differences between, only, two levels. The heights are so close but with all the distance in terms of buildings and public space. The train. Element of daily transport emerges as a separation between the two realities."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Structured Nature / Natureza Estruturada

non-periodical publication

Author: Benyamine, Jonathan
Date of publication: 2015
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 30
Size: 29,7x21 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Nature
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1173

"Unlike a wood or a forest, the botanical garden of Porto is organized and settled according to a rational drawing (romantic garden from the XIXth century in front of the Villa Andersen...).
Indeed, all the botanical species that are in the garden take place in a built environment made of retaining walls, of trimmed hedges, of deep visual perspectives, pavements, equipments...
All these elements consist in a part of urban in the natural environment of the garden. These series of photographs show the contrast between this free and muddled nature and the strict geometry of its organization."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Porphyrian net [1]

non-periodical publication

Author: dos Santos, Mickael
Date of publication: 2014
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: Self-published

Number of pages: 32
Size: 21x15 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese, English
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artist book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1108

“The characteristic of urban space that I consider the most important is the ephemerality. Urban space is the place of change and evolution, meaning not only the passage of people but also the passage of time which puts it in a constante state of transit and impermanence. (...)
Through this work I want to show the links between artificial and natural. The Botanical Garden is currently the theater of big renovations that affects his practice and his appearance. This transition period develop a dialog between artificial and natural and allows to investigate new aesthetic narratives. (...)
It's in this new aesthetic form that I develop this work which can find an explanation through the concept of the Porphyry Tree. The tree trunk is here replaced by the net that allows a dialogue between reality and fantasy, transient and persistent, animate and inanimate, vegetation and artificial, all bringing out a new visual language. The net as only possible body for this new creature that can't be qualified by words. This narrative reminds us that the Botanical Garden is an artificialised nature created by human hand.”

Mickael dos Santos

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory.

About this book:

Poesia da Natureza e do construído

non-periodical publication

Author: Maire, Camille
Date of publication: 2015
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 24
Size: 10,2x19 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Diptychs in a card envelope; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1158

"The following work shows this additional and almost functional dimension between the organic components in one hand, and artificial components on the other hand. The photographies are in general captured zooming the details, are organized in dyptics around three themes, from the most figurative to the most abstract and poetic: Forms - Textures - Personal Sensations. Each theme is illustrated through 8 photographies."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:


non-periodical publication

Author: Soares, José Manuel
Date of publication: 2006
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: Edições Portáteis

Number of pages: 62
Size: 29,8x20,2 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: 750
Institution: BES Banco Espírito Santo
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: ISBN 972-96037-5-8
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1120

Here, little secrets are revealed.
The words said those days seem real to me.
We spoke, between Berenice Abbott's test tubes and luminescence, we remembered Walker Evans.
Things for beign useful.
Commitments with others.
There it perspires. Life is claimed beyond the cellule. The DNA, colourful, transforms in project.
We return to the photography machine. The affliction of the shoot. Where does this icy blue light come from?
It builds, drawing with that light, the path.
In silence, halted, in front of the future we admire.

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Perdido no Tempo

non-periodical publication

Author: Ribeiro, Lilian
Date of publication: 2014
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 1
Size: 21x84 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1145

"Photographic serie inspired by the couple Bernd and Hilla Becher, with a photo always on the front, followed by other, grouped by type of buildings, this photographic work is a return to the past. The goal of this research is to lose the notion of time, elevating all the constructed typologic entries in a restrited area, including the botanical garden. (...)"

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Pearl - Cadernos do Museu #5

non-periodical publication

Author: Casanova, Tiago
Date of publication: 2014
Place of publication: Braga
Publisher: Museu da Imagem, Câmara Municipal de Braga

Number of pages: 16
Size: 21x14,7 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: 500
Institution: -
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: -
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1106

“(...) Known, since the 60's, as the "Atlantic Pearl", the Madeira Island, Tiago Casanova's birthplace, it's the place that interested him the most to explore. Went through the island's spots with the sensibility of a virgin eye, searching for the splendour of natural redoubts, at the same tima that he presents his deep knowledge and aesthetic conscience of Man's intervention in that same Landscape. Between these pair of forces, Nature and Construction, there's the comfort of a viewpoint where we taste the landscape, and the confrontation of a road that bursts into the sea. A natural and urban landscape of the Madeira Island by a contemporary photographer, where it's impossible to abstract from his formation as an architect which here assumes other instrumental formalities. "Pearl" recovers that ethnographic and politic face that some, many fortunately, confer to the artistic pratice. Let's follow Hal Foster's call and let's get back to the Real. A sustainable real, fair and better because it respects the Nature and the Man, one as much as the other.”

Ana Matos
Curator and artistic director of the "Galeria das Salgadeiras"
June 2014

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Paisagem Souvenir

non-periodical publication

Author: Pacheco, Milton
Date of publication: 2014
Place of publication: -
Publisher: Self-published

Number of pages: 74
Size: 26X21,2 cm
Illustrated: Photography, Text
Number of copies: 80
Institution: DAI-ESMAE-IPP
Language: English, portuguese
Key-words: Territory; Tourism; Landscape; Nature
Notes: Softcover edition, with screen printing; Binding Milton Pacheco and Patricia Rodrigues
ISBN 978-989-20-5139-0
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1041

“The photographic project “Paisagem Souvenir” aims to document the landscape of the southern coast of the Algarve, while considering how this area is populated and organised to meet touristic demand. (…)

Currently, the formation of this location reflects a mixture of multicultural elements and constante movement of people and goods. In this sense, the cultural and ideological projection of individuals over the landscape serves as the theme for this project, enabling the development of a visual discourse that aims to consciously evoke issues of social, political and economic nature, specific to its formation. We propose a reflection on the understanding of landscape, as men+s performative space, and the place where, whether consciously or unconsciously, he imprints his desires, decisions and culture.

Throughout this photographic series, one will observe signs of a constant need to structure landscape like a garden, summoning it as a temple of harmony and approximation with nature. However, what the composition of spaces, where boundaries are the necessary consequence of a mise-en-scène of Nature, consequence of an identity that has long ceased to be the Algarve.” 

Milton Pacheco

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Parallel Universe

non-periodical publication

Author: Staka, David
Date of publication: -
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 24
Size: 15,8x12 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: English
Key-words: Photography, Architecture, Nature
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1166

"The aim of this work was to bring another look to botanical garden. A mirror, or in this case a water surface, is a window to a parallel universe, that shows the botanical garden and its 3 typical landmarks in differente points of view, capturing the atmosphere of a certain moment. This illusion of a different world is done by searching for a proper view, reflected from the water surface, and turning it upside down."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non Periodical Publication]

Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território

Sobre este Livro:

Oporto Decadente

publicação não-periódica

Autor: Esteve Nadal, Carmen 
Data de publicação: 2014
Local de publicação: Porto

Editor: Auto-edição
Número de páginas:15

Dimensões: 10x15 cm

Ilustrado: Fotografia, texto
Tiragem: 1

Instituição: FAUP/CCRE

Idioma: Espanhol
Palavras-Chave: Fotografia, Cidade, Livro de autor
Notas: Fotolivro realizado na unidade curricular de Comunicação Fotografia e Multimédia (CFM) do Mestrado integrado em Arquitectura da FAUP; Caixa em cartão com diversos cadernos no interior
Cota: A1.nPaP.1047

“Observar os edifícios desocupados e em estado de abandono como oportunidades que permitam revitalizar a cidade desde o seu interior, ensaiando alternativas e incorporando novos usos.”

Carmen Nadal Esteve, 2014

Sobre este arquivo:

A criação da colecção Cityzines pretende fortalecer e promover a divulgação e estudo de edições de autor e outras publicações ligadas à temática de arquitectura, cidade e território, onde a imagem e a fotografia estão presentes de forma significativa, existindo um especial interesse e enfoque sobre a riqueza multifacetada da cultura urbana, arquitectónica e visual que caracteriza os aglomerados urbanos e as suas vivências.
A colecção iniciou com um levantamento mais focalizado no contexto português, mas também  integra publicações de outros países com vista à internacionalização do projecto.
As publicações que vão constituir esta colecção do projecto Cityzines serão catalogadas a partir do seguinte tema geral:
Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território
Decidiu-se iniciar esta colecção pelo tema Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território, por razões que se prendem apenas com dois factores: primeiro o de existir, neste momento, um maior número de publicações alternativas associados a este tema, segundo, por estas terem sido há mais tempo objecto de estudo específico do trabalho desenvolvido pela linha de investigação Espaços de Cidade e Cultura do grupo CCRE.
Como veremos de seguida, adoptámos uma estrutura de sub-categorias de forma a organizar o campo das publicações, cobrindo diversas áreas e formatos. Ainda que algumas sub-categorias apresentem diferenças entre si, todos eles encaixam no tema geral e têm em comum a importância e foco na imagem/fotografia, assim como um carácter de investigação e/ou a postura inovadora.
Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território

Edições de Autor e outras Publicações periódicas (A1.PaP)

- em termos gerais, publicações periódicas que reflectem e investigam, através da imagem e/ou fotografia, e de forma critica, exploratória e inovadora as temáticas da arquitectura, cidade e território;
- Fanzines, little magazines de fotografia: publicações independentes e não-tradicionais onde a fotografia é particularmente usada como o principal instrumento visual e meio para perceber, compreender e analisar não só a arquitetura mas também o modo como as pessoas vivem e se apropriam de diversos lugares; 

- publicações periódicas de contracultura ou não-tradicionais dedicadas à fotografia social e documental ou contemporânea e outras publicações relacionadas.
Edições de Autor e outras Publicações não periódicas (A1.nPaP)
- em termos gerais, publicações que reflectem e investigam ,através da imagem e / ou fotografia, e de forma critica, exploratória e inovadora as temáticas da arquitectura, cidade e território;
- foto-livros e/ou livros de artista especificamente relacionados com o universo da arquitectura: publicações independentes e não-tradicionais onde a fotografia é particularmente usada como o principal instrumento visual e meio para perceber, compreender e analisar não só a arquitetura mas também o modo como as pessoas vivem e se apropriam de diversos lugares;
- foto-livros ou/e livros de artista mais relacionados com fotografia documental.
Pretendemos, com esta colecção, promover a consciencialização e a reflexão sobre a arte e a fotografia documental, relativamente à sua concepção como instrumento para questionar o universo da Arquitectura, da Cidade e do Território. Isto significa entender a Arquitectura como uma disciplina e uma prática extensivas, com interesse, por um lado, pelo espaço real e suas experiências, explorando novas formas espaciais e códigos arquitectónicos e, por outro, pelo modo como a arquitectura opera no âmbito de sistemas mais vastos: socio-culturais, técnicos e históricos.
A colecção física debruçar-se-á predominantemente sobre objectos impressos portugueses, mas também integra publicações de outros países e constituirá uma mostra/ exposição que irá viajar por vários locais, em Portugal e no estrangeiro. Este catálogo de Edições de Autor e outras Publicações apoiará a divulgação do universo destas publicações, funcionando também como uma referência para localizar publicações com carácter de investigação/estudo e/ou não-tradicionais relevantes e independentes relacionadas com a Fotografia Documental e Artística: Arquitectura, Cidade e Território.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Os amigos do Jardim Botânico

non-periodical publication

Author: Koukolová, Anna
Date of publication: -
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 24
Size: 21x21 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1152

"This set of photography is about people, particularly friends.
In the time we were taking these pictures was very nice day, full of sun. We spent all morning in the garden together. I let everyone decide how they want to be captured. There was no limit. Each picture express theirs feelings at that moment. I also took pictures of space, just to show further detail of surroundings of the taken picture. I put them together as they were taken."

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Nha Terra Nha Kretxeu

non-periodical publication

Author: Lopes, Paloma Estrela
Date of publication: 2014
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: Self-published

Number of pages: 36
Size: 12 x 12 cm
Illustrated: Photography, text
Number of copies: 1
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography; City; Author's book
Notes: Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP; box card with 4 books, each related to a study area
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1052

"Cape Verde, a country, ten islands, each one with their particularities, with singular landscapes, people and ways of living and appropriate differente types of spaces. Curious faces, pleasant that, with a certain innocence and genuine expressions, ask and let them bem photographed.
This photographic set aimed to capture genuine and ludicrous situations of two islands from the archipelago of Cape Verde. The island of 'Santo Antão', integrant of the set of islands of 'Barlavento', distinguishes itself by the captivating and duality imposed and deep valleys, where the population develops, by their welcoming people and stone houses covered with straw.
The island of 'Maio', member of the 'Sotavento' archipelago, small but captivating for their extensive beaches, villages that form themselves in a single street but you notice the caution, care and creativity that people have while building their own homes."

Paloma Estrela Lopes

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





[Non-Periodical Publication]

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

New World Parkville

non-periodical publication

Author: Correia, Margarida
Date of publication: 2011
Place of publication: Lisbon
Publisher: Edições Fundação EDP

Number of pages: 122
Size: 28 x 21 cm
Illustrated: Photography, text
Number of copies: 750
Institution: EDP
Language: English, portuguese
Key-words: Photobook; non-periodical
Notes: texts collectanea from Margarida Correia, João Pinharanda, Maria Glória de Sá with photographs, pamphlets, newsletters, with a glued photograph on the cover.
ISBN 978-972-99898-8-9

New World Parkville started in 2009 as a public art project commissioned by Real Arte Ways, an alternative multidisciplinary arts organization based in Hartford, Connecticut.
To develop this project, I worked with Parkville’s Portuguese emigrant community. There,I met radio presenter Manuel Gaspar, João Alves (son of Fado singer Maria Alves), church volunteer Adelaide Vida an Hartford’s folklore group, among other community members. I listened to their stories, researching and documenting their personal archives: vintage photographs, scrapbooks and music collections from the ‘30s to the ‘80s.
New World Parkville was originally presented on banners in Park Street, with a music installation playing at local stores. A billboard with a photograph of Praia da Nazaré — a traditional and iconic beach on the west cost of Portugal — was placed at the entrance of the neighborhood. This beach was repeatedly mentioned by the community as being the strongest photographic memory they have from Portugal.

Margarida Correia
New York, 10 June 2011

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.





(non-periodical publication)

Documentary and Contemporary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

About this book:

Natureza Artifício

non-periodical publication

Author: Esteves, Marco Alexandre
Date of publication: 2015
Place of publication: Porto
Publisher: self publisher

Number of pages: 20
Size: 19,5x22 cm
Illustrated: Image, Text
Number of copies: -
Institution: FAUP/CCRE
Language: Portuguese
Key-words: Photography, Architecture
Notes: Artistic book; Photobook made in the course of Communication, Photography and Multimedia, from the Integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP
Book Reference: A1.nPaP.1155

"'Natureza Artifício' portrays the human intervention at the Botanical Garden and how these two themes are related in the area of the photographic intervention. This theme emerges from a need to afirm the botanical garden as something that makes part of the city of Porto, relating it to the urban mesh, and not, as it is now seen, as a space apart, a green space inside de city, that don't creates opportunities to make itself known to its population. (...)"

About this archive:

The creation of Cityzines collection intends to strengthen and promote the study and dissemination of author’s editions and other publications linked to the theme of architecture, city and territory, where the image and photography are present in a significant way, with a special interest and focus on the multifaceted richness of urban, architectural and visual culture that characterizes the urban agglomerations and their experiences.
This collection started with a survey more focused on the Portuguese context, but also integrates publications from other countries with a view to internationalization of the project.
The publications that will constitute this collection of the Cityzines project will be cataloged from the following general theme:

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

It was decided to start this collection by topic A1 - Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory, for reasons connected with only two facts: first there is at this time, a greater number of alternative publications pertaining to this topic, according by the fact that they had already been there longer subject specific study through the work of the research line City spaces and Culture of the CCRE group.

As we will see next, we have adopted a sub-theme structure in order to organize the field of alternative publications, covering several areas and formats, as previously described in the general theme of Documentary and Artistic Photography: Architecture, City and Territory. Even though all sub-themes show differences between them, they all fit the general theme and they have in common the focus and the importance given to image/photography, as well as the innovative and/or irreverent stance.

Artistic and Documentary Photography: Architecture, City and Territory

Periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.PaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;
- fanzines, little magazines on photography: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- counterculture or non-mainstream publications focused on social and documentary or contemporary photography and related issues;
Non-periodical Author’s editions and other publications (A1.nPaP)
- In general terms, periodical publications that reflect and investigate, through the image and /or photography, and in a critical, exploratory and innovative way, the themes of architecture, city and territory;

- photo-books or/and artist books specifically more related to the universe of architecture: independent non mainstream publications where photography is used as the main visual instrument to perceive, understand and analyze architecture and how people live and appropriate diverse places;

- photo-books or /and artist books more related with documentary photography.

With this collection we intend to promote awareness and reflection upon art and documentary photography in regard to its conception as a tool to question Architecture, City and Territory. This means understanding Architecture as a broad subject and practice interested in, on the one hand, the real space and its experiences, exploring new spatial forms and architectural codes and, on the other hand, in how architecture operates within larger systems: sociocultural, technical, and historical systems.

The physical collection will focus on Portuguese printed objects only and it will work as a showcase travelling across several places in Portugal and abroad. This catalogue of Author’s editions and other publications will suport its dissemination, being also an important international tool to locate relevant and independent non-mainstream publications related to Artistic Photography and Documentary: Architecture, City and Territory.